Colony Collapse Editions Colony Collapse Editions

cc09 ⋅ bahía mansa – costa documental


Cassette tape housed in a sculpture made of a fully biodegradable pine needle and seaweed flexible material with a sloid pine wood base.


An album based around the musicians conversations with the sea.


“Este álbum nace con el fin de documentar mis conversaciones con el mar y así reconfigurar una narrativa hacia una perspectiva más oceánica.

El album fue compuesto a partir de fotografías, recuerdos, viajes y rostros encontrados en la costa del Océano Pacífico.”

– Iván Aguayo




* Due to the hand made nature, each piece slightly different. The materials in this release are flexible but impermanent and biodegradable and should be treated as a delicate sculpture.


Edition of 35


Out of stock

225 g
17.78 × 17.78 × 12.7 cm